This tutorial will step you through creating a simple flow that leads directly to live support. It is expected to take less than five minutes.
You will need:
An account with the "modify flows" permission.
Navigate to the assistant builder by clicking the hamburger menu in the top left and selecting "Assistant builder".
Click the "CREATE A FLOW" button.
Click "Choose a template".
Select the "Live support" template.
Click "CREATE FLOW". This will create a new flow in your organization based on the "Live support" template and open it for editing.
Click the settings icon in the top right toolbar to open the flow settings panel.
Specify a relevant name such as "Live support".
Click the "PUBLISH" button in the top right toolbar to publish your new flow.
You now have a simple flow that goes directly to live support. Flows are powerful and you can create additional and more complex ones, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial. See Intro to flows for more information.
A flow created from the "Live support" template uses default settings for live support. You can change these settings as appropriate for your team by editing the live support step.
Click the live support step to edit it.
For a detailed explanation of the settings and how they work, see Live support settings.
The assistant is the easiest way for users to access your flows, so if you haven't yet added it to your website you can do so now. See Add the assistant to your website.
You may also wish to customize the assistant's appearance.