Admin permissions in Mavenoid to connect Mavenoid and Salesforce.
Salesforce Integrations User with permissions to the necessary resources.
Login to your Mavenoid organization.
Click the hamburger menu (top-left corner).
Go to Settings > Integrations.
Click Connect to Salesforce.
Select your Salesforce instance type and click Connect to Salesforce.
Login using your Salesforce Integration User (API-only user).
This will connect to Mavenoid's package on AppExchange by the Salesforce OAuth 2.0 Authorization flow. Mavenoid will appear as a connected app in Salesforce, but there's no need to install the package.
Connecting Mavenoid to Salesforce through Settings > Integrations allows you to interact with the Case and Knowledge objects. If you need to interact with other objects, refer to the article Configure the Salesforce OAuth 2.0 Authorization flow on the canvas.
If you encounter this error while connecting Mavenoid to Salesforce, contact your Mavenoid representative. It likely means your Mavenoid instance’s URL hasn’t been added as an allowed callback URL for the Mavenoid connect app.