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Assistant Building

Embed videos

Embed a YouTube or Vimeo video

When embedding a YouTube or Vimeo video, the video is not uploaded to Mavenoid's servers. If the video is changed or removed, this change will immediately apply to your flow as well. We recommend only embedding videos that you control.

  1. Click the node to open its edit panel.

  2. In the description, enter the video's URL such as or

    To embed a YouTube Short, you'll need to make a small change to the URL. Replace shorts/ with watch?v=. For example, would become instead.

  3. Mavenoid will automatically replace the URL with an embed.

  4. You can preview the node to confirm how the video will look to users.

Starting at a certain time

If you want the video to start at a certain time index, you can include that time index in the URL. When the user plays the video, it will start at the indicated time.

For YouTube videos, use ?t=SECONDS where SECONDS is the desired start time in seconds, such as

For Vimeo videos, use #t=MINUTESmSECONDSs where MINUTES is the desired start time in minutes and SECONDS is the remaining number of seconds in the desired start time, such as

Link to a video not on YouTube or Vimeo

While it is possible to link to videos that are not on YouTube or Vimeo, it is not currently possible to embed them. For a better user experience, we strongly recommend uploading your video to YouTube or Vimeo. Both platforms support unlisted videos which are accessible via the URL but do not show up in your channel or feed. (See YouTube help and Vimeo help on unlisted videos.)

Simple Markdown link

When linking to a video, it is not uploaded to Mavenoid's servers. If the video is changed or removed, this change will immediately apply to your flow as well. We recommend only linking to videos that you control.

  1. Click the node to open its edit panel.

  2. In the description section, add Markdown to link to the video. It should look something like this:
    [Watch video] (

The URL of the video should go in the parentheses, while the text you wish to display to users should go in the square brackets.

  1. You can preview the node to confirm how the link will look to users.

  2. Users can tap or click the link to open the video, but it will not be embedded within the product assistant.

Markdown link with thumbnail image

When linking to a video, it is not uploaded to Mavenoid's servers. If the video is changed or removed, this change will immediately apply to your flow as well. We recommend only linking to videos that you control.

  1. Create or find an image to use as a thumbnail. You may wish to use the first frame of the video edited to add a play button.

  2. Upload your thumbnail image to an accessible location and note the URL. One way to do this is to upload it as in the steps for embedding an image file and use the URL from the generated Markdown.

  3. Click the node to open its edit panel.

  4. In the description section, add Markdown to link to the video with the thumbnail image. It should look something like this:
    The text in the inner square brackets ("Watch video" in the above example) is the alt text displayed to users if the image does not load. The first URL in the inner parentheses ( in the above example) is the thumbnail image to use. The second URL in the outer parentheses ( in the above example) is the URL for the video.

  5. You can preview the node to confirm how the link will look to users.

  6. Users can tap or click the image to open the video, but it will not be embedded within the product assistant.

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